Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sunday, November 9, 2008

062 A Tricky Inheritance (UK)

Talk to Chelmey

Puzzle 062

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


The area of the triangle is 150 square metres

Painting Scrap
Row 4 Column 1


2185 Picarats and 117 Hint Coins

103 Wood Cutouts

Saturday, November 8, 2008

067 How Many Sweets? (UK)

Talk to Lucy
(must have solved Puzzle 066)

Puzzle 067

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


There are 9 sweets in total


2385 Picarats and 119 Hint Coins

066 Birthday Girl (US)
066 Five Borrowers (UK)

085 Train Speed (UK)

Walk up

Check out the plant at the rear beside the riverbank,
the water of the right of where Layton is standing
and the leftmost window for hint coins

Look at the Laytonmobile

Puzzle 085

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


The train is travelling at 60 kilometres per hour

Give the Fossil to Layton


3335 Picarats and 154 Hint Coins

084 Which Boxes to Move?