Tuesday, March 29, 2016

560 Elements from A to Z

M - 34 Combinations

292. mac and cheese = cheese + pasta
293. mailman = human + letter
294. manatee = cow + sea
295. map = paper + earth
296. mars = rust + planet
297. marshmallows = sugar + campfire
298. mayonnaise = egg + oil
299. meat = cow + tool, pig + tool, blade + livestock, cow + butcher, pig + butcher, livestock + butcher
300. medusa = human + snake
301. mermaid = human + fish
302. metal = fire + stone
303. meteor = meteoroid + atmosphere, sky + meteoroid
304. meteoroid = stone + space
305. microscope = glass + bacteria, bacteria + glasses
306. milk = farmer + cow, cow + human
307. milk shake = milk + ice cream
308. minotaur = human + cow
309. mirror = glass + metal
310. mold = time + bread
311. monarch = human + castle, excalibur + human
312. money = paper + gold
313. monkey = tree + wild animal
314. moon = sky + cheese, sky + stone
315. moss = plant + stone, algae + stone
316. moth = moon + butterfly, night + butterfly
317. motorcycle = bicycle + energy, bicycle + steel
318. mountain = earthquake + earth
319. mountain goat = mountain + goat, goat + mountain range
320. mountain range = mountain + mountain
321. mouse = cheese + wild animal
322. mousetrap = wood + cheese, metal + cheese
323. mud = water + earth
324. mummy = corpse + pyramid
325. music = human + flute, human + sound

N - 7 Combinations

326. narwhal = unicorn + ocean, unicorn + water, sea + unicorn
327. needle = metal + thread, metal + hay
328. nerd = human + glasses
329. nest = bird + tree, bird + hay, egg + hay
330. newspaper = paper + paper
331. night = moon + time, time + day, sky + moon
332. ninja = shuriken + human

O - 12 Combinations

333. oasis = desert + water, tree + desert, desert + palm
334. obsidian = lava + water
335. ocean = water + sea, sea + sea
336. oil = sunflower + pressure
337. omelette = egg + fire
338. optical fiber = wire + light
339. orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree, field + fruit tree
340. origami = bird + paper
341. ostrich = bird + earth, bird + sand
342. owl = night + bird, bird + wizard
343. oxygen = plant + sun, plant + carbon dioxide
344. ozone = oxygen + oxygen, electricity + oxygen

560 Elements from A to Z

P - 43 Combinations

345. paint = water + rainbow, water + pencil
346. palm = isle + tree, tree + beach
347. paper = wood + pressure
348. paper airplane = airplane + paper
349. parachute = pilot + fabric, pilot + umbrella
350. parrot = bird + pirate
351. pasta = flour + egg
352. peacock = bird + rainbow
353. pegasus = bird + horse, sky + horse, bird + unicorn
354. pencil = wood + coal, wood + charcoal
355. pencil sharpener = blade + pencil
356. penguin = ice + wild animal, ice + bird, bird + snow
357. penicillin = doctor + mold
358. perfume = water + rose, water + flower, steam + rose, steam + flower, alcohol + rose, alcohol + flower
359. petroleum = fossil + time, fossil + pressure
360. phoenix = fire + bird
361. picnic = grass + sandwich, beach + sandwich
362. pie = dough + fruit
363. pig = livestock + mud
364. pigeon = bird + city, bird + letter, bird + statue
365. piggy bank = pig + money, pottery + pig
366. pilot = airplane + human, seaplane + human
367. pinocchio = wood + life
368. pipe = tobacco + wood
369. piranha = fish + blood
370. pirate = sword + sailor, sailor + pirate ship
371. pirate ship = sailboat + pirate, boat + pirate
372. pitchfork = tool + hay
373. pizza = cheese + dough
374. planet = earth + space
375. plankton = water + life, ocean + life, sea + life
376. plant = rain + earth
377. platypus = beaver + duck
378. pond = water + garden
379. popsicle = juice + ice, juice + cold
380. pottery = fire + clay, clay + wheel, clay + tool
381. pressure = earth + earth, air + air
382. printer = paper + computer
383. prism = glass + rainbow
384. pterodactyl = air + dinosaur, bird + dinosaur
385. puddle = sun + ice, sun + snowman, snowman + flamethrower
386. pumpkin = vegetable + fire, vegetable + light
387. pyramid = desert + grave, desert + stone

Q - 1 Combination

388. quicksand = sand + swamp

R - 17 Combinations

389. rain = water + air, cloud + water
390. rainbow = rain + sun, rain + light
391. rat = wild animal + pirate ship, sailboat + wild animal
392. recipe = flour + paper, paper + baker
393. reindeer = santa + wild animal, livestock + santa
394. ring = diamond + metal, diamond + gold
395. river = mountain + water, rain + mountain
396. robot = metal + life, steel + life, life + armor
397. rocket = airplane + space
398. roller coaster = train + mountain, mountain + cart
399. roomba = robot + vacuum cleaner
400. rope = thread + thread
401. rose = plant + love, flower + love
402. ruins = time + castle, time + house
403. ruler = wood + pencil
404. rust = air + metal, metal + oxygen, steel + oxygen, air + steel
405. rv = house + car

560 Elements from A to Z

S - 88 Combinations

406. saddle = horse + leather
407. safe = metal + money, metal + gold, steel + money, steel + gold
408. safety glasses = tool + glasses, explosion + glasses, engineer + glasses
409. sailboat = boat + wind, boat + fabric
410. sailor = human + boat, human + sailboat
411. salt = sea + sun, ocean + sun, fire + sea, fire + ocean
412. sand = air + stone, wind + stone
413. sand castle = sand + castle
414. sandpaper = sand + paper
415. sandstone = stone + sand
416. sandstorm = sand + storm, sand + hurricane, sand + energy
417. sandwich = bread + ham, cheese + bread, bread + bacon
418. santa = human + christmas tree
419. scalpel = blade + doctor, blade + hospital
420. scarecrow = human + hay
421. scissors = blade + blade
422. scorpion = wild animal + dune, wild animal + sand
423. scythe = blade + grass, blade + wheat
424. sea = water + water
425. seagull = bird + sea, bird + ocean, bird + beach
426. seahorse = horse + sea, ocean + horse, fish + horse
427. seal = dog + sea
428. seaplane = airplane + water, airplane + ocean, airplane + sea
429. seasickness = sickness + sea, sickness + ocean, boat + sickness, steamboat + sickness, sailboat + sickness
430. seaweed = plant + sea, plant + ocean
431. sewing machine = electricity + needle, robot + needle
432. shark = blood + ocean, sea + blood, ocean + wild animal, sea + wild animal
433. sheep = cloud + livestock
434. sheet music = paper + music
435. shuriken = star + blade
436. sickness = human + rain, human + sickness, human + sickness, human + bacteria
437. skateboard = snowboard + wheel
438. skeleton = corpse + time, bone + bone
439. ski goggles = glasses + snow
440. sky = air + cloud
441. skyscraper = house + sky
442. sledge = snow + cart, snow + wagon
443. sloth = wild animal + time
444. smog = smoke + fog, fog + city
445. smoke = fire + wood
446. smoke signal = campfire + fabric, smoke + fabric
447. smoothie = fruit + blender
448. snake = wild animal + wire
449. snow = rain + cold, steam + cold
450. snow globe = snow + crystal ball
451. snowball = snow + human
452. snowboard = wood + snow, snow + surfer
453. snowman = snow + human, snowball + snowball, snow + carrot, snowball + carrot
454. snowmobile = snow + motorcycle, snow + car
455. soap = oil + ash
456. soda = water + carbon dioxide, juice + carbon dioxide
457. solar cell = sun + tool
458. solar system = sun + planet
459. sound = air + wave
460. space = sky + star, sun + star, moon + star
461. space station = space + house
462. spaceship = airplane + astronaut
463. sphinx = human + lion
464. spider = wild animal + thread
465. sprinkles = sugar + confetti
466. squirrel = mouse + tree
467. star = sky + night, night + telescope
468. starfish = fish + star, sea + star, ocean + star
469. statue = stone + tool, human + medusa
470. steak = meat + bbq, fire + cow
471. steam = water + fire, water + energy
472. steam engine = boiler + tool, boiler + wheel
473. steamboat = steam engine + water, steam engine + boat
474. steel = metal + coal
475. steel wool = steel + wool, wire + wool
476. stethoscope = tool + doctor
477. stone = air + lava
478. storm = energy + cloud, cloud + electricity
479. story = human + campfire
480. sugar = fruit + energy, juice + fire, juice + energy
481. sun = fire + sky
482. sundial = clock + sun
483. sunflower = plant + sun, flower + sun
484. sunglasses = sun + glasses, beach + glasses
485. super nova = explosion + star
486. surfer = human + wave
487. sushi = fish + seaweed, caviar + seaweed
488. swamp = mud + plant, mud + grass
489. sweater = wool + tool, human + wool
490. swim goggles = glasses + water
491. swimmer = human + swim goggles
492. sword = blade + metal, blade + steel
493. swordfish = fish + sword

560 Elements from A to Z

T - 25 Combinations

494. tank = car + armor, car + gun
495. taser = gun + electricity
496. tea = water + leaf
497. telescope = glass + sky, glass + star, glass + space
498. tent = wood + fabric, house + fabric
499. thread = cotton + tool, wheel + wool
500. tide = sea + moon, ocean + moon
501. time = sand + glass
502. titanic = steamboat + iceberg
503. toast = sandwich + fire, bread + fire
504. tobacco = plant + fire
505. tool = metal + human
506. toucan = bird + rainbow
507. tractor = farmer + car, field + car
508. train = steam engine + steel, steam engine + metal, steam engine + wheel, steam engine + wagon
509. treasure = pirate + treasure map
510. treasure map = pirate + map
511. tree = plant + time
512. treehouse = tree + house
513. trojan horse = horse + wood
514. tsunami = ocean + earthquake, sea + earthquake
515. tunnel = engineer + mountain
516. turtle = egg + sand
517. twilight = day + night
518. tyrannosaurus rex = meat + dinosaur

U - 3 Combinations

519. ufo = rocket + alien, airplane + alien
520. umbrella = tool + rain, rain + fabric
521. unicorn = rainbow + horse, rainbow + life, double rainbow! + horse, double rainbow! + life

V - 7 Combinations

522. vacuum cleaner = electricity + broom
523. vampire = human + blood, human + vampire, human + vampire
524. vase = plant + pottery, pottery + flower
525. vegetable = field + fruit
526. village = house + house
527. volcano = lava + earth, lava + mountain, fire + mountain
528. vulture = bird + corpse

W - 29 Combinations

529. wagon = cart + horse
530. wall = brick + brick
531. wand = wizard + wood
532. warrior = sword + human
533. watch = human + clock
534. water gun = water + gun
535. water lily = flower + pond
536. water pipe = water + pipe
537. waterfall = mountain + river
538. wave = sea + wind, ocean + wind
539. wax = bee + beehive
540. web = spider + thread
541. werewolf = wolf + human, werewolf + human, werewolf + human
542. wheat = field + farmer, plant + farmer
543. wheel = tool + wood
544. wild animal = forest + life
545. wild boar = pig + wild animal, pig + forest
546. wind = pressure + air, air + energy
547. wind turbine = windmill + electricity
548. windmill = house + wind, wheel + wind
549. wine = fruit + alcohol
550. wire = electricity + metal
551. witch = wizard + broom, human + broom
552. wizard = human + energy
553. wolf = wild animal + dog, wild animal + moon, dog + forest
554. wood = tool + tree
555. woodpecker = bird + wood
556. wool = sheep + tool, scissors + sheep
557. wrapping paper = gift + paper

Y - 2 Combinations

558. yoda = jedi + swamp
559. yogurt = milk + bacteria

Z - 1 Combination

560. zombie = corpse + life, human + zombie, human + zombie

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Vampire Legends: The Count of New Orleans Collectors

O2D proudly presents the next installment in the Vampire Legends saga, based on another strange real-life event!
You always wanted to visit New Orleans, and now you've finally made it! Walking through the French Quarter, you take a photo of a house that belonged to the infamous Carter brothers, who were recently executed for a string of murders. But the photo reveals more than you bargained for – the ghostly silhouette of two men. As you start to investigate the history of these bloody brothers, you begin to realize that they may be more dangerous dead than alive... and they aren't the only things lurking in the shadows. Are there really vampires in New Orleans? And how are the Carters connected to them? Find out before you become a midnight snack in this chilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!

    Solve a heinous crime in the French Quarter in the bonus chapter!
    Collect Mardi Gras masks
    Download beautiful wallpaper, screensavers, and music
    Try the available Strategy Guide

Otherworld: Shades of Fall SE

There's a magical world hidden beneath ours in this hidden-object puzzle adventure - but first you must gain the Sight to save it! The Shade is more powerful than ever, and magical creatures across the land tremble at the passing of the seasons. Continue the struggle with Fiona and the Storm Cat as fall sets in and discover secrets in both our world and in the Otherworld. Can you stop the Shade before the Eternal Winter arrives?

- Gorgeous, lush scenes
- Unique and challenging minigames
- See both magical and human worlds
- Interactive map follows your progress


Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of Wolfhill SE

ERS Games returns with the next installment of the Shadow Wolf Mysteries series! After escaping as an infant, you and your father have been called back to Wolfhill. Your cousin sent your father the family symbol, which can only mean one thing... he's in danger from the same thing you ran from! Will your wolf curse help you save the day, or will it be your downfall? Find out in this hair-raising hidden-object puzzle adventure!